We developed this stove to be built into a kitchen as is traditional in many parts of India while incorporating the technological advantages of other Prakti stoves.

We developed this stove to be built into a kitchen as is traditional in many parts of India while incorporating the technological advantages of other Prakti stoves.

By stripping off the outer body of the stove, we were able to reduce the cost of the stove significantly. Pictured above is an early prototype of this stove.

By stripping off the outer body of the stove, we were able to reduce the cost of the stove significantly. Pictured above is an early prototype of this stove.

The vast majority of wood-burning cooking stoves in India are built into the kitchen or cooking area but this is not the way most improved cookstoves are built. This was the basis for the design direction of a built in stove for Prakti.

The vast majority of wood-burning cooking stoves in India are built into the kitchen or cooking area but this is not the way most improved cookstoves are built. This was the basis for the design direction of a built in stove for Prakti.

One of the most important findings in my research phase with Prakti was seeing one of our stoves built into a home. This was not the intension of this design, but rather a re-appropriation of our product to better suit the needs of the user.

One of the most important findings in my research phase with Prakti was seeing one of our stoves built into a home. This was not the intension of this design, but rather a re-appropriation of our product to better suit the needs of the user.

Pictured above is one of many rapid prototypes tested during the development of our Multi Fuel stove. This unit can cleanly and efficiently burn wood, cow dung or agricultural waste.

Pictured above is one of many rapid prototypes tested during the development of our Multi Fuel stove. This unit can cleanly and efficiently burn wood, cow dung or agricultural waste.
