Manufacture-ready designed with our partners in South Africa and fabricated partly in New York. Manufacturing to be done by Bausch and Lomb.

Manufacture-ready designed with our partners in South Africa and fabricated partly in New York. Manufacturing to be done by Bausch and Lomb.

Service unit designed for testing and validation of the system and controls.

Service unit designed for testing and validation of the system and controls.

Service unit in testing at the MIT Lab. This machine was also used in multiple rounds of animal testing.

Service unit in testing at the MIT Lab. This machine was also used in multiple rounds of animal testing.

The beginning of a short run of service units for the controls system team at MIT.  y y

The beginning of a short run of service units for the controls system team at MIT. y y

Our primary goal was to create a reference design that groups all around the world could use and modify for local manufacture and use. These are units from, New York, Iran, India and more.

Our primary goal was to create a reference design that groups all around the world could use and modify for local manufacture and use. These are units from, New York, Iran, India and more.

The E-Vent is now on display at MIIT as a case study in rapid design iteration and the power of open source hardware.

The E-Vent is now on display at MIIT as a case study in rapid design iteration and the power of open source hardware.
